Native Hawaiian Coalition

District of Kona (Oahu)


September 28, 2006



     The meeting of the Native Hawaiian Coalition, District of Kona was held at Makiki Community Church. District of Kona (O`ahu) Chair, Keali`i Makekau presided. The meeting opened at 7:20 p.m.


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of August 31, 2006 was reviewed. Umi`äliloa Sexton motioned to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Milton Ragsdale. Minutes were approved without opposition.


The letter sent on September 25, 2006 by the Chair Pro Tempore, Kau`i Torres, was read aloud

Umi`äliloa Sexton shared his correspondence to OHA after receiving the letter from Clyde Namuo.

Unfinished Business

It was announced that volunteers to sit on those special committees that they qualify for are needed. The available Committees were then reviewed again.

New Business


Ø      District Requirements - The chair reminded everyone that the district requirements need to be adhered to.


Ø      District Funding – The chair invited anyone who might have ideas on funding the district. It was suggested the district put together a budget.


v     Next Meeting – Thursday, October 26, 2006, 7:00 p.m.

Adjournment – 8:40 p.m.


Submitted By,


Kau`i Torres